The Best Global Logistics Solutions. Competitive advantages to some of the largest companies allover the world. Our Services back-slider Advanced Supply Chain Technology! Competitive advantages to some of the largest companies allover the world. Our Services back-slider

Supply Chain Technology & Customized Solutions.

Competitive Advantages For Largest Companies!

Providing the best transport and shipping services available allover the world. Our skilled personnel, utilising the latest communications, tracking and processing software, combined with decades of experience.

  • Transparent Pricing, Environmental Sensitivity

  • 24/7 Hours Support, Professional and Qualified

  • Real Time Tracking, Fast & Efficient Delivery

  • Warehouse Storage, Personalised solutions

Delivered Goods

Delivered Goods

Real Solutions, Real Fast!

Global Solutions

Customized logistics solutions will help you analyze, develop and implement successful supply chain management strategies from end-to-end.

Transporte Aéreo

Utilizando conexões internacionais eficientes e estratégicas, cobrimos qualquer destino com a agilidade que os embarques aéreos necessitam.

Transporte de Cargas Marítimas

A Affiance oferece o serviço de transporte marítimo que conta com a expertise de uma equipe que vivencia o mercado marítimo.

Seguro Internacional

Otimiza o seu tempo através do planejamento logístico. A agilidade na coleta, no deslocamento e entrega são fatores decisivos

Logistic & Transport Solutions Saves Your Time.

Flexible Pricing Policy
& Decades Of Experience!

We believe that the services, offered by our company, should satisfy the high expectations of our customers. We are dedicated in creating added value for our customers by implementing modern technology in our work. That is why the desire of constant improvement is the driving force behind our transportation business.

Clients Worldwide

Delivered Goods

Miles Driven

Providing the best transport and shipping services currently available allover the world. Our skilled personnel, utilising the latest communications, new tracking and processing software, combined with decades of experience!

Latest Case Studies

Featured Projects

We presents the following case studies that exemplify the type of solutions and services we are providing across our customer base.

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BNDES aprova financiamento de R$ 3 bilhões para exportação de aviões da Embraer à United Airlines e AerCap

30 de Março, 2019

Rio de Janeiro – O Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) financiará a exportação de aviões brasileiros produzidos pela Embraer para a companhia aérea americana United…

AEB prevê superávit comercial de US$ 69 bilhões em 2021, defende reformas e redução do Custo-Brasil

29 de Março, 2019

Brasília –  A balança comercial brasileira poderá fechar o ano de 2021 com um superávit de US$ 69,018 bilhões, com uma alta de 33% comparativamente aos US$ 51,875 previstos…
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